Sunday, April 4, 2010

Green Link

For months I have been watching and attending Windsor City Council meetings. The Green Link sign is so dominant that one would think that this is a Green Conservation movement. With my LEED AP in hand, I thought I could help and volenteered.
Then I saw the green link sign on buses so I thought maybe that is the conservation idea. Take a bus idea being less cars on the road. Eventually I looked the Green Link up on the web sites and was supprised to see that it has little to nothing to do with Green anything. It's a tunnel. 6 mile long tunnel from the 401 to Windsor's industrial area near the Detroit River.
Now billion dollar construction projects are nice. And reducing the sound of trucks for a few residential houses is nice, but does any of this justify the big green banner stretched in front of the viewing audiance at city hall?
Tom Goebel

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


What does the LEED AP stand for or mean?